Interesting Uses and Types of Bricks


A brick is a construction material utilized to build walls, homes, buildings, pavements, and other elements made through masonry construction. Generally, this term is used to denote a block made of dried clay but is now quite useful when used informally to denote other chemically cured construction blocks. They can be joined together to signify other chemically cured construction blocks.

They can be linked together using different kinds of cement, mortar, adhesives, and so on. They are manufactured in a machine, which you can get from any hydraulic brick making machine supplier. You can have it in many different shapes, sizes, types, materials, and whatnot according to your region’s weather specifications. You can have them in bulk if you want, as their manufacturing limit is not set. 

Top 7 Uses of Brick

They are used as an alternative to stones when it comes to construction. Here we have a few main uses given below; let’s get started:

1.       Building of walls of any size

2.       Creation of arches and cornices

3.       Erection of floors

4.       Making of arches and cornices

5.       Construction of the brick absorbent wall

6.       Making of Khoa known as broken bricks of any size to use in construction

7.       Making of any powdered brick known as Surki to be used in lime plaster and concrete

Classification of Bricks:

We have different types of bricks available to use, but a few of them are listed below:

Extruded Brick:

It is manufactured by compelling clay and water into a steel die, with a very natural shape and size, then casting the resulting line into smaller units with wires before burning. It is utilized in compositions with limited budgets. 

Molded Brick:

It is formed in molds by hand rather than being in the machine. Molded bricks within 50-65mm are available to the markets and found easily, but other sizes and shapes are possible to have 6-8 weeks after the order.

Dry pressed Brick:

It is the common type of bricks manufactured by pressing clay into molds. It has a long loop on one cover facade and a superficial loop on another.
